Aligning Marketing and Sales for Business Success

Aligning Marketing and Sales for Business Success

Marketing and sales complement each other

Companies are constantly challenged to discover new ways to increase their sales, retain their customers, and achieve their business objectives. Many “gurus” and “miracle formulas” emerge all the time, applying the “last word” in conversion and sales. Don’t fall for it, there is a basic foundation for your company to achieve its results: Marketing and sales working together. A common scene in companies of all segments and sizes is the fight between the marketing and sales sectors. Marketing accuses sales that they are not handling the leads passed through their department correctly and missing several closing opportunities. The sales department accuses the marketing department of only forwarding weak or “dirty” leads. If the above scene is common in your company, be careful! In this game of cat and mouse, the biggest loser is you and your company. Your profitability will go down the drain, your business will be threatened. Don’t let your teams get into this.

Follow the recommendations below:

In today’s world, where the economy is so slow, the classic separation by departments makes no sense, where each department has a well-defined role and does not interfere in the area of ​​activity of other sectors. This speech is no longer useful for the current moment. The responsibility for generating sales in the company does not lie with the sales department alone but with everyone. That’s right, everyone. And marketing and sales have to work together. In our marketing consultancy, we usually do department integration work, which has yielded a lot of results. We simply set up project teams where the sales team participates from the moment of deciding on product characteristics, pricing policy, defining the target audience, etc. Of course, it makes sense to involve those who will sell a solution in the planning process. After all, it is the sales staff who know the reality of their customers, of the segment.

 On the other hand, salespeople have to have a certain humility in recognizing that marketing work is not that easy, on the contrary, it is quite complex. Many elements cloud the marketing team’s vision when launching a product, or a new service, for example. Without a doubt, the internet and new technologies have brought statistical data that until recently were not part of the marketing definition process, but it is still new for many teams and this introduction of new concepts takes some time to happen. In our experience in marketing consultancy, we have noticed that the integration of sales and marketing teams does not happen easily, but in companies where it occurs, positive results do not take long to appear.